Discipleship is obedience-oriented. It is defined by Jesus as “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded” (Matt 28:20).
The 411 training is a starting-point for new and existing disciples — four questions, one sheet of paper, one hour.
1. Why do we make disciples?
It’s our identity. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us we are new creations in Christ called to be ambassadors to the world.
2. Who do we reach out to?
We begin with our friends and family who are far from God. We pray for them every day and make plans to share with them.
3. What do we say?
We share our story.
We share God’s story — a gospel presentation such as the 3Circles.
4. When will we do it?
When will you pray for your relationships?
When will you train others in the 411
When will you form a group and begin 3-Thirds Discipleship using the Commands of Christ.
The 3Thirds is the building block for discipleship in NoPlaceLeft. The pattern is applied discipling pre-believers, new disciples, maturing disciples and leaders.
In the Great Commission, Jesus said we make disciples of the nations by going, baptizing and teaching them to obey everything he has commanded (Matt 28:16-20).
The Commands of Christ help new disciples begin that relationship of learning to obey Jesus.