Reading the mind of a church planter

Istock 000000221589Small-1 Church planters typically hate explaining themselves. That's because if they know what to do they can't understand why everybody else can't read their minds, and if they don't know what to do they can't understand why everyone else can't just trust their instinct.

So if you're supervising a church planter, or worse being led by one, or even worse, married to one, you may find these questions helpful.

A word of warning. Don't give them the full list. It will be too overwhelming. Try the drip feed method. Ask one question a day and let them talk for while. Once you get through all seven questions wait a few weeks and then begin the process again. Why? Because the answers may have changed!

Good luck and God's grace. Seven questions to help you read the mind of a church planter:

1. Why start a new church?

  • Demonstrates a clear call
  • Communicates an exciting vision
  • Identifies reasons for good church planting
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the need for new churches

2. Who is the ministry focus group?

  • Describes the ministry focus group
  • Understands the communities needs
  • Includes appropriate demographics
  • Identifies the proposed location

3. What kind of church are we trying to plant?

  • Clearly states your core values
  • States and expands your mission statement
  • Describes the church’s ministry style
  • Defines a ministry model
  • Includes a ministry flow chart

4. With whom will this church be planted?

  • Describes the proposed launch team
  • Includes a profile of any confirmed ministry partners
  • Defines the specific roles to fill
  • Clearly identifies team members needed

5. How and when will this church be planted?

  • Outlines a comprehensive strategic plan
  • Includes a detailed time line for the first 18-36 months
  • Provides a detailed explanation of how the core group will be gathered

6. How much will it cost?

  • Proposes a realistic start-up budget
  • Includes a realistic cash flow projection
  • Defines a realistic funding strategy

7. How can people be involved?

  • Prayer needs
  • Volunteer needs
  • Potential contacts
  • Equipment needs
  • Financial needs

Source: Church Planters' Toolkit, Bob Logan and Steve Ogne

Church Planting


Heart of a founder: William Seymour
