Making sense of the world's spiritual chatter

When I was at university authors like Francis Schaeffer, Os Guiness, Colin Chapman and James Sire were constant companions as I wrestled with what I believed as an evangelical Christian in the midst of the confusion of competing worldviews.

Today some of the alternatives have changed, but the challenge remains. Now a new generation has to understand the competing systems of belief; work out what they believe and why; and communicate the unchanging gospel in a relevant way to their culture.

Bayard Taylor has written a user-friendly guide for anyone facing the challenge of responding to the worldviews on offer today. The book is both comprehensive and readable. Ideal for college students or anyone asking the ultimate questions in life.

Here's the blahblahblah website. You can download sample chapters and listen to some audio. Even better, buy the whole book. Even better buy a few and hand them around.

β€œBlah, Blah, Blah” (Bayard Taylor)


Satisfied with God


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