What Des taught me
I'm still stunned after my conversation with Des, punch-drunk by the simplicity of what he does. Why do we make it so complicated? What is wrong with doing what Jesus did?
Here's seven simple lessons Des taught me:
- If you’re in ministry and you’re not growing leaders, you’re not doing your job.
- If you grow leaders and give them away the ministry will take care of itself.
- You grow leaders on the job. High demands and lots of belief in them. Room to succeed and room to fail.
- Create the right context and workers will be banging on your door trying to get in.
- If Jesus was running your movement, guys like Des would be his right hand men. Read the gospels.
- Des is smart but there is no way guys like him would make it through most denominational systems of training. They don't like sitting still.
- Leadership development is as much about character as it is about knowledge and skills.
It’s not complicated. Maybe that's why Jesus, a carpenter, chose fishermen to lead his movement.
Church Planting MovementsLeadership