Lausanne World Pulse

Mcclung 1 325

The latest edition of the Lausanne World Pulse is out. You can read my account of the Rise and Rise of Pentecostalism.

Don't stop there. Don't even start there. Read Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu's overview of African Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity.

Grant McClung is always good value. His article is entitled: People of Persuasion: Evangelism and the Pentecostal/Charismatic Revival

Paul Van der Werf has written: Haystack Reloaded: Could a Haystack Change the World Again? If you care about missionary movements you'll want to read it and check out his ministry Student Volunteer Movement 2. My spine tingles at the thought of rekindling what God did over 100 years ago through the SVM.

Bring it on Lord.


Writing well


One more mountain to climb