Heart of a founder: John Wimber

John Wimber

Don't be afraid of pain. All my life I've been afraid of pain. But pain's not so bad. I've been in the valley and it's not so bad. In fact the view is wonderful. You never get to see Jesus quite as well as you do in the valley.

It isn't prosperity that gives you the complete, the indepth, the intimate view of Jesus. It's pain. It's in the midst of pain, it's in the midst of heartbreak, it's in the midst of the rendering of relationships, its in the midst of tragic circumstances that you get the heart of God revealed to you.

So don't be afraid of pain. If God's allowed it he'll have purpose in it. . . I love and know my Savior today more than I have ever known him. And I am now 31 years in the Lord. I'm so grateful for cancer. I'm so grateful that I went through it. Because I could never have known Jesus the way I now know him. And frankly I could never have known my wife the way I now know her.

John Wimber 1934-1997

John WimberQuotesSpiritual FormationVineyard churches


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