Hope Chapel, Hawaii: How do they do it?

Ralph Moore - Hope Chapel Founder

In 2001 Hope Chapel sent out one quarter of its congregation (350 people) to start two new churches. . . two weeks before moving into a new building. Since then, they've planted at least one new church a year by hiving off 100 to 150 people each time. One of the new churches is now about 600, with the smallest just over 100.

In the meantime one of Hope's daughter churches planted four more churches in Japan. Other daughter churches continue to plant, in Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, and New England. In New England the lineage goes seven generations deep and they've become a movement of their own with nearly 20 churches planted.

In Japan Hope Chapel has 19 church starts. Their goal is to see 100 in the next twelve years. They also believe the entire movement could reach 1000 churches by that time (currently 300).

How does Hope Chapel do it?

They look primarily among “minichurch leaders”— those who demonstrate fruitfulness in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplying leaders in a small group setting.

The leadership team prayerfully consider these people for church planting. Those who express an interest when approached are gathered into small groups for focused leadership development before being sent out to plant churches.

Source: Bob Logan, Be Fruitful and Multiply, 25-26.

Tell me, what is Hope Chapel doing that 99% of other flagship churches couldn't do? Maybe they're just got it easier than the rest of us. I mean anyone can plant churches in Japan!

“Starting a New Church: The Church Planter's Guide to Success” (Ralph Moore)


Church planting movements—it's all in the mindset


Church planting and body building