The trouble with Melbourne Anglicans

800Px-Interior Of St Pauls Melb02 The Melbourne diocese of the Anglican church is in trouble. Whether they know it is another question. But they are in trouble.

In 1981 there 235 Melbourne parishes. Today there are 216, a loss of 19. In the same time period average Sunday attendance has fallen from 50,000 to 29,000.

40% of those attending are over 60 years old, only 11% are under 30. Currently only 6% of active clergy are under 35, while 59% are over 50.

That's not decline, it's disaster.

Peter Corney has come up with a vision and a plan to renew the Melbourne diocese. It's realistic, and by faith, achievable.

If you're a Melbourne Anglican you must read it. If you're not, it's still a great example of an effective strategy for the renewal of any denomination.

All you need to do is add leadership. . .

Future Of The Diocese Of Melbourne - Corney

Thanks to Alan Hirsch for passing on the report. Still waiting for your blog to launch!

Alan HirschAnglican


Why Pentecostals and Adventists tithe and the mainline don't


Proud to be an Aussie