Training Leaders for a Church Planting Movement

Here's a book that looks promising. From the blurb,

This is the insightful story of Hindustan Bible Institute (HBI), an institution founded in Chennai, India, to teach pastors and to foster church planting, which over time had lost its vision. This fascinating story of dismantling and re-building of the HBI program to return to its original vision, planting one million churches in one million Indian villages, effectively reaching that massive nation for Christ, is accompanied by insightful and cross-cultural observations by Lingenfelter, Provost of Fuller Theological Seminary.

James Montgomery founder of DAWN writes,

This landmark book brilliantly unfolds the process required to turn theological institutions into centers where multitudes of leaders are equipped to complete the primary task the Lord gave us in His departing instructions... It provides a major breakthrough in strategic thinking.

I've ordered my copy.

“Breaking Tradition to Accomplish Vision: Training Leaders for a Church-Planting Movement: A Case from India” (Paul R. Gupta, Sherwood G. Lingenfelter)

Church Planting Movements


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