The wrong wall?

 3 6782732 6Ac25Dd1D7If you're responsible for educating and training church leaders you may not want to read this quote. It will ruin your week.

The same goes for any theological students out there. Especially if you're in Australia or New Zealand facing end of year exams.

It's a comment from Sherwood Lingenfelter about the amazing story of how Paul Gupta began asking awkward questions like these and where that took him.

What do you do when you discover that none of your graduates are evangelists or church planters, and that our training program produces completely different results than you intended? What do you do when you discover you have recruited the wrong people for the mission you wanted to accomplish? Most institutions respond by making changes to curriculum and programs, hoping to recover their mission. This rarely, if ever, works since the cause lies in the fundamental design or paradigm of learning in the institution.

“Breaking Tradition to Accomplish Vision: Training Leaders for a Church-Planting Movement: A Case from India” (Paul R. Gupta, Sherwood G. Lingenfelter)

I spent 17 years of my life in part time and full time undergraduate and graduate studies. Don't tell me the ladder was leaning up against the wrong wall.

Church Planting MovementsMissions


Mixed emotions


Why you should be worried about finishing well