Trygve Frisk is missing

Trygve Frisk Spent this morning wondering around Copehagen. My third visit in recent years. Botanic Gardens, Christiansborg Place, Nyhavn, Holmens Kanal—everywhere I went there were posters of Trygve Frisk. He's missing and someone called Martlin is looking for him. Probably his father.

We live in a world that has gone missing.

I'm sure the parents of Trygve Frisk care about whether he has food and shelter. They care if his health is good. They care if he's safe from danger. But most of all they long for him to come home.

Why do we make mission so complicated?

Jesus told a story once about a son gone missing and a waiting father whose heart was breaking with grief. That's the mission of God. It doesn't get more complicated than that.



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Denominational divorce