Discovering you are not God

I've been out and about around Oz lately building support for next1000 initiative with church planting leaders. Plenty of coffee and lunches with leaders of flagship churches, denominations and movements and some crazies on the fringe.

Somehow we get around to talking about how they're doing. I've been amazed at how many key leaders around the nation have seriously hit "the Wall" at some point in their development. Accomplished leaders who thought they might never recover and do ministry again.

For all of them, the experience was pivotal in their formation.

Because of my journey I assumed it was all about identity and spiritual formation. It was for some. But I've also talked to leaders who had to learn the hard way that they are not God.

They woke up one day and discovered they had been running on empty for a long time and couldn't go on. It took up to six months to recover.

I kept hearing, "I had to learn my limitations," and "I had to learn to take care of myself", and "Now I know the warning signs."

So if you wake up one day and discover you're not God and you can't go on, remember, it's not the end of the road. But it may be a long journey back, and remember, you are not alone.

Spiritual Formation


A history lesson


Church planting effectiveness