Houston we have an opportunity. . .

Downtown Houstondowntown houston

On January 19, 2007 one hundred and thirty-three church leaders in Houston, TX, signed a church planting manifesto committing to work together to develop a strategy for church planting to reach all people in their city.

The Manifesto concludes with:

Therefore, we, an assembly of church leaders in Houston on this nineteenth day of January, 2007, do sign this Manifesto in which we acknowledge our denominational and stylistic differences, but commit to working together to develop a strategy for church planting that will reach all the people (ethne) of our city.

So my question is, what would happen if the church in every city of the world, followed the example of Houston?

Houston, if you're out there, let us know how vision is unfolding.

The full text of the Manifesto is in the appendix of this document.

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