Ministry training at Hope Chapel

Hope In The World There's a board at Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay that lists just some of the churches that have been planted out of that church. How do they do it?

Ralph Moore uses a baseball image to describe the difference between success and failure. Success requires:

1. A willingness to learn from mistakes. 2. Lots of chances to swing the bat.

MiniChurch gives future leaders a chance to swing the bat in a low risk environment.

The MiniChurch pastors training meetings provide both theological and practical training for current and future leadership. Some their current leaders have gone through more than 60 books while training with our pastoral staff. The cadre of MiniChurch pastors and their apprentices is the talent pool they search when hiring paid staff.

Ralph contends that of those who enter traditional theological training, only a small percentage make through graduation and survive more than two years of pastoral ministry.

He believes that theological education is best applied while a person is actively engaged in ministry. Education cannot create a leader. It can only augment and improve one. How do we know if someone is a leader? Watch and see if anyone is following them.

Unfortunately, theological education, in its current form creates barriers to entry into ministry. Hope Chapel combines learning ministry assignments and mentoring to grow hundreds of leaders of whom over 90% have remained in the ministry.

Church Planting MovementsRalph Moore


Case study: Skate Park Church


Case study: Mel Isara and "Junior"