Quotes from a movement founder

Ralph Moore-1

The last in a series of posts featuring Ralph Moore and the Hope Chapel movement. Some quotable quotes from Ralph. . .

On where to begin. . .

Don't start with a movement of churches, but rather start with one life at a time. A church planting movement will come out of this.

Large church or small church? This is the wrong question. Excellence in discipleship is what matters.

If I was to start anywhere it would be to start a “minichurch”.

On movements. . .

When it gets so easy to reproduce that people don't know the founder — then it's a movement.

On staying on target. . .

We've heard this message of multiplication for thirty years. Ralph hasn't stopped. So all our guys are continually trying to multiply. (Aaron Suzuki)

We're not smart, we're just relentless.

On discipleship. . .

We attract a crowd and then try to make disciples. Jesus did it the other way around.

Church must be your discipleship model and discipleship must be your church model.

On MiniChurch and church planting. . .

MiniChurches are the core of everything we do. All our future pastors come from a MiniChurch. They grow 2-3 MiniChurches and then take them with them to plant a church.

On growing leaders. . .

Standards are sometimes your enemy. We can lift the bar too high for younger leaders. We take lots of small measured risks with people. We don't take big risks.

We have a culture of believing in mavericks and creating a relational and demanding environment in which they can grow.

The local church should be the seminary.

On taking risks with people. . .

In ministry, you must take chances with people or you never produce great leaders.

If I tried to maintain control and protect my own reputation, our ministry would certainly have been smaller.

“Starting a New Church: The Church Planter's Guide to Success” (Ralph Moore)


A friend of Job


Case study: Skate Park Church