America's top 25 multiplying churches

America's Top 25 Multiplying Churches-1Don't tell anyone but I don't read many other blogs. I like books. Especially case studies on church planting movements.

So that's my excuse for being 11 months late in telling you about a study on the 25 top multiplying churches in the US. Hopefully they are working on a 2008 list.

Ed Stetzer has published his reflections on the list under these headings:

From Expansion Growth to Exponential Growth Transformational Leadership Growth as a By-Product From Denominational Plans to Local Church Passion Comprehensive Support From Sponsorship to Sacrifice Equipping and Releasing From Generic Plants to Intentional DNA

Truth is, you could be a mega church or a house church. You could be an emerging-missional church or an attractional church, you could be any kind of church. . . but if you're not multiplying, you may be winning the battle but you're losing the war.

Outreach Magazine: Church Squared


A few thoughts on multiplying churches


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