How to become a multiplying church

Do you want to become a multiplying church? Don't copy what the top 25 multiplying churches DO. Copy what they VALUE.

Reaching unchurched people. They are driven by a belief that God has sent them as a missionary to their community, state and world.

Staff and membership involvement. Both staff and members invest in new planters. They help establish long-term strategies and goals; the whole church sees multiplication as central to its vision and purpose.

Kingdom-growth focus. The dream of becoming a larger church is less important than the dream to multiply Gospel influence to a larger and more diverse audience.

Ongoing relationships. As daughter churches become more independent (which is part of the vision), multiplying churches maintain fellowship with the churches they have started. Many of these multiplying churches go from being a mother church to being a sister church.

Selfless giving. Sacrifice and money does not intimidate multiplying churches. Staff, salaries and other valuable resources are freely given in order for new churches to more effectively impact their communities.

No stalling. Lack of size or staff, or poor timing are not acceptable excuses for delay. Churches with 500 or fewer attendees planted one to three churches actively involving their staff. The same number of churches with 1,000 or more attendees responded to our survey that they are not yet ready to start planting churches, although they considered themselves close.


Charles Colson's Dark Night of the Soul


A few thoughts on multiplying churches