Oscar Muriu

OscarmuriuI'm off to Africa for the first time this month. Bob Roberts has invited me to a gathering of leaders interested in talking about Church Planting Movements. I think most of them are practitioners so I'll be doing a lot of listening.

Our host in Kenya is Oscar Muriu pastor of the Nairobi Chapel.

Here's a few goals Oscar is working on at the moment.

  • Plant 300 churches. Half of those to be in Nairobi. Then 60 in other parts of Kenya, 30 in East Africa: Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, southern Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Then about 30 elsewhere on the continent of Africa, and 30 off the continent of Africa.
  • Preach the gospel aggressively with a goal of leading at least 1 million people to Christ by the year 2020.
  • Raise up 100,000 mature, well discipled converts for Christ by the year 2020.

Oscar and the folks at the Nairobi Chapel are from Kenya's educated elite. So they plant churches among people just like themselves. That makes sense.

But 65% of Nairobians live in the slums, so they made a commitment that for every church they plant to reach out to an educated elite we would intentionally plant two churches in the slum areas.

I'm looking forward to meeting Oscar.


What must be done?


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