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A recent survey of 750 Muslim background believers revealed five common reasons why they chose to follow Christ.

  1. The lifestyle of Christians. Former Muslims cited the love that Christians exhibited in their relationships with non-Christians and their treatment of women as equals.
  2. The power of God in answered prayers and healing. According to the survey, experiences of God's supernatural work increased after their conversions. Often dreams about Jesus were reported.
  3. Dissatisfaction with the type of Islam they had experienced. Many expressed dissatisfaction with the Qur'an, emphasizing God's punishment over his love. Others cited Islamic militancy and the failure of Islamic law to transform society.
  4. The spiritual truth in the Bible. Muslims are generally taught that the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospels are from God, but that they became corrupted. These Christian converts said, however, that the truth of God found in Scripture became compelling for them and key to their understanding of God's character.
  5. Biblical teachings about the love of God. In the Qur'an, God's love is conditional; but God's love in the Bible for all people was especially eye-opening for Muslims. These converts were moved by the love expressed through the life and teachings of Jesus.

Muslims are now 21 percent of the world population, increasing from 12 percent in the past 100 years. And the growth rate of Islam is higher than that of Christianity (1.81% per year, compared to 1.23%)

Leadership Journal, Winter 2008, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, page 13.

HT: Leadership Network


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