Reverse Mission Movement

images-uploads-allison-12-tm.jpg Leadership Network recently reported on the trend of missionaries headed to the US. Momentum reports that the Chinese are coming. The latest edition of Pulse also looks at the movement of missionaries from the developing world to the West.

As individuals and entire people groups move from their homelands to foreign countries, many creative opportunities become available for the proclamation of the gospel. Ministry to and with immigrant and Diaspora communities can reach countless people for Christ. In this issue you can read about what God is doing through some of these migrant groups and movements.

In the same way that European migrations from Christianity's old heartland provided the impetus for the European missionary movement, phenomenal migrations from Christianity's new heartlands have galvanized a massive non-Western missionary movement, says Jehu J. Hanciles in n, Diaspora Communities, and the New Missionary Encounter with Western Society.

In African hands, mission and evangelization have truly gone international, and African Diaspora Christianity is at the forefront of the new initiatives, writes Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu in African-led Christianity in Europe: Migration and Diaspora Evangelism

Missionary migrant churches in Germany are growing, says Claudia Währisch-Oblau in ing Ready to Receive? German Churches and the “New Mission” from the South' Pulse focuses on church planting and evangelism.


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