Getting the job done

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Everywhere you go in India they want to you teach and preach. But it's amazing what you can learn if you assume you know nothing and listen to what God is already doing.

We caught up with some great folk in India. I'd better not tell you who and where. Conversion can be against the law in India and everyone is nervous following the outbreak of persecution in Orissa.

Anyway I was impressed with the IMB folk. What they are doing to fuel indigenous church planting movements is world missions best kept secret.

These guys have stayed true to the Gospel but are radical in methodology. There are two types of radical. There's “trendy” radical and there's “get the job done” radical. The IMB is the latter.

Simple, transferable, contagious strategies for multiplying disciples, workers and churches. I think the reason they keep it so quite is they're getting on with the job and waiting for their reward in heaven.

If you're interested, have a look at their training materials.

Here's one version: BPI Training Manual.

Here's another take on the same paradigm from the NorthEast Team.

If I was young again, I'd be looking to these guys for my training in church planting movements. They're Southern Baptists but they care more about the Great Commission than denominational tags.

The real fun is starting as they move from multiplying indigenous church planters to multiplying “strategy co-ordinators” and trainers.

That's why we're sending all our overseas workers to be trained by them. We hope to have our first couple in India next year. I'm also looking for people who are crazy enough to try out the model in Australia.

Only people who don't know what they are doing need apply.


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