Death by discussion

Last month some of us met with Barney while he was visiting Oz. He gave us the bread and butter of church planting movements. We wanted meat and gravy with roast potatoes. He wanted action.

Tim heads up a national ministry of church planters and evangelists. He went back to Sydney, recruited a business manager to help him run the organization and freed up three days a week to plant a church that multiplies.

Julian is a church planting field worker for a denomination. He went out and shared the gospel with five different friends. Each one agree to start meeting at his place to explore the Christian faith.

Dave just nodded his head in agreement. He's already doing stuff and making a mess.

Here's a comment from Ken:

This confirms to me that all our consulting stuff about restructuring and re-imagining and rebadging was sincere but misguided. The basic problem is that we believers do not make disciples among unbelievers. If we do that, we can figure out the rest.

If it wasn't for Barney we'd still be sitting around discussing how to contextualize these missional principles in our postmodern secular culture.

Now all I've got to figure out isβ€”what am I going to do?


This just came in from Tim.

Plans going well. Starting in Airds first week of May. I have 4 students on the team, 2 are aboriginal.

I have begun working on an endvision. Aiming to plant 400 churches in Campbelltown to reach 10% of the population with an average church size of 35. Aiming for 40 churches in Airds (part of Campbelltown) to reach 25% with average church size of 25.

Have met with all the necessary Anglican players and have been amazed at their excitement and support. I am convinced God is truly up to something significant.

Just another day at the office.


What to read on movements


Christian Mission by Dana Robert