Jesus number one in Oz

New research reveals that a majority of Australians (54%) rank Jesus as the number one most influential person in history. Albert Einstein came in at second place (16%).

83% responded that Jesus was a real figure from history. Of these believers 43% believed Jesus had miraculous powers and he was the Son of God.

2 in 5 Australians stated they actually practice a religion and only 27% do not believe in a God or universal power of any sort.

When times get tough, Aussies pray. 57% of Australians pray at various times during their lives and 29% pray daily.

The most common situations for prayer being when people are faced with challenging times (36%) or when a loved one has fallen ill (34%). However over 1 in 3 Australians also feel moved to pray when they are thankful for something good that has happened (34%)

When tough times come or bad things happen: ยท 28% of Australians turn to God in their time of need, while 15% turn to Jesus. ยท Only 6% of Australians turn to online friends and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

It's reassuring to know that Jesus is outpolling Facebook and Twitter. Although I think he's probably trailing Google as the preferred source of truth and wisdom.


Falling down


The wisdom of experience