How to find church planters


A friend has just finished a serious of sermons on church planting movements. In a church of thousands. He spoke with conviction and the authority of a practitioner to people who are ready and responsive to hear.

Afterwards I asked him how many people had signed up to join one of his church planting bands.

"Just a few. I don't pick up many church planters by speaking to large crowds."

How does he recruit?

"I go out onto the streets and into communities and start sharing the gospel. I get out and meet people who need Jesus. That's the best recruitment strategy I have. The right people are drawn by action."

I've lost count of how many (unpaid) workers Dave has in the field, and how many churches are being planted.

Dave has just preached a series of three messages on the call to fuel church planting movements.

Dave Lawton: Nov 29, Dec 6 and 13, 2009.


013-Learning from the East. Making it work in the West.


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