Paying the price to make disciples

Here's a prayer letter just in from Tim Scheuer.  Tim has seen people come to faith in Jesus, disciples made, groups formed and the beginnings of church multiplication.

I share Tim's prayer letter for three reasons.

First, so you can learn about the price that has to be paid for each breakthrough and the battle that has to be won every day.

Second, because some of you need to hear the call to step into the mess of broken people who need Jesus.

Lastly, so you'll pray for Tim, his team and the work in Airds.

Dear Friends,

I am writing from Newcastle at the start of the 3rd day of a 5 day youth event called Soul in the City. There are 12 of us here from Airds joining about 450 other young Christians from all over NSW and the ACT. Our young people from Airds are having many new experiences of worship, bible teaching and prayer ministry in a big group. So far the kids have soaked up much with only a few hiccups.

Today will be a great test as I am leading about 30 young people in one of the practical 3 day projects. My group will be targeting the housing commission blocks in Cooks Hill with a simple door knocking strategy. My group consists of kids from a couple of churches on the north shore of Sydney along with my group from Airds.

Please pray that the young people will rise to the challenge of taking the peace of Jesus out into the streets; that we might find those that are spiritually receptive, and that we will experience the presence and power of Jesus as we go in His Name…

One of our boys has their 13th birthday today – Rylli. Please pray for him as he has had some struggles yesterday. I am mindful that all of our kids are carrying some pretty big stuff inside with what goes on in their streets and homes. Please pray that they will take this opportunity to draw near to God and receive from Him.

Over recent weeks we have had some good things happen and some very challenging things.

Three new groups have kicked off and we plan to kick off three other groups in the next two weeks. I have been very excited about those willing to host groups in their homes. However, it has been a little disappointing that several who indicated willingness to attend have not yet shown up. Please pray that we might have a breakthrough with this. I feel there is a very real battle out in the streets for the hearts and souls of these ones.

Last week we had one of our guys turn violent fuelled by alcohol. He did some damage to one of our single mothers home, threatened her repeatedly in front of her kids and then assaulted another one of our young guys who was trying to provide support for her. This unfolded over several days and was really ugly. The police were involved repeatedly. Sorry for no names but please pray for the perpetrator, who had started to follow Jesus, and for the victims, that somehow God would bring good from this situation.

Sorry this is short but I have to go and cook pancakes for about 300.

Thanks for prayers.




Flying out to Orlando


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