Five parts of a CPM plan

I picked up this model of the five stages of a church planting movement when I was in Singapore. Not a guaranteed formula for success. Just what best practice looks like.

1. Entry: Reproducing bridges

How do we start talking to people about the gospel?

Whom do we talk to (persons of peace, houses of peace, oikos or household).

2. Gospel: Reproducing evangelism (Acts 8:4)

Presence, Power, and Proclamation (Luke 10:5-9).

What clear, reproducible gospel presentation will work?

3. Discipling: Reproducing discipleship (Mark 1:17)

Teach them to obey the Word (followers) and teach them to catch others (fishers).

4. Church Formation: Reproducing church planting (Acts 2:37-47; 16:5, 1 Co 16:9)

Model and teach simple church.

5. Multiplying: Reproducing leadership development (Acts 14:23; 2 Tim 2:2)

Make sure they have the ball.

Why "reproducing" methods? Because "reproducible" methods is a concept. Reproducing methods are a reality.


1. Find these five characteristics in the ministry of Paul (Acts 13-28).

2. Assess your current ministry through the grid of the five parts of a CPM plan.

3. What needs to be different? What will you do?


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