The Trouble with Missionary Movements [updated]

Carracci Annibale - The Stoning of St Stephen 1603-04

Carracci Annibale - The Stoning of St Stephen 1603-04

Acts has no purpose, no plot, no structure, and no history without suffering.

Paul House

Following disturbing reports out of China and from around the world of rising persecution against Christians, it’s time to republish this post from 2010.

Ten years ago I was in Singapore having just left a restricted field somewhere in Asia. I had sought out a couple of guys named “Smith” with a lot of experience in church planting movements to help me make sense of what I was learning.

I will not forget this comment:

We've never seen a church planting movement without persecution.

Suffering and persecution go hand in hand with movements that multiply disciples and churches.

They are the unifying theme of the book of Acts. Without them the command to take the gospel to the ends of the world would never have been fulfilled.

Want to learn more?


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