Emerging doubt (continued)

I've always had my doubts . . .

Four years ago emerging church leader, Brian McLaren, called for a five year moratorium on making pronouncements about homosexuality. He felt time was needed to consult "scholars in biblical studies, theology, ethics, psychology, genetics, sociology, and related fields."

With a year remaining on his moratorium, McLaren has made a pronouncement on the moral status of homosexuality. There were no surprises.

Yet another confirmation that much of the emerging/emergent "conversation" has been a postmodern rehash of western theological liberalism—minus the religious bureaucracy. Give them time.

Dynamic movements remain committed to their core beliefs, regardless of social and cultural pressures.

Denny Burk has written an excellent reply to McLaren : Why Evangelicals Should Ignore Brian McLaren.

UPDATE: Just came across Todd Miles article, A Kingdom without a King? Evaluating the Kingdom Ethic(s) of the Emerging Church. He writes, "At the end, I fear their efforts will devolve to a social gospel not unlike the failed efforts of nineteenth and twentieth century liberalism." I share his concern.


Anyone for a walk?


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