Not for the faint hearted


Ever wonder why there are so few church planting movements (CPMs) in the west?

One of the reasons is we're just not doing the basics—CPM 101.

These are the questions Barney asks the workers he's supervising every month.

These workers are not just planting churches. Their calling is to fuel CPMs. The expectations are high. So is the accountability. So is the support through coaching and training.

I don't think I know any Christian workers in the west with a job description like this — a job description that is backed up with careful supervision, training and coaching by an effective practitioner.

Here are the questions. Read on if you're game.

Fervent Prayer

How often do you and your team pray specifically for your target group?

On average, how often do you / your team prayer walk looking for persons of peace (POP)?

How often are you sending out strategic prayer requests and mobilizing fervent prayer?

Have you started regular prayer meetings with national believers?

Evangelism (0 to 1)

How many people heard a pre-evangelism line of questioning this past month?

How many people heard a gospel presentation this past month?

How many people were invited to trust in Christ?

How many people came to Christ?

How many of these are 2nd generation or beyond (that is, they were led to faith by your target groups believers)?

How many were baptized?

On a scale of 1-5 (5 is high), how well are you implementing the 3 P’s in looking for POPs?

  • Power - praying for needs and seeking God’s power

  • Proclamation - clearly presenting the gospel

  • Presence - spending extra time loving and investing in POPs

Did you have any special “pushes” to find POPs this month?

If so, how long, what did you do and what were the results?

How many persons of peace have you/your team found this month?

Training (1 to 2+)

How many NEW groups of believers did you cast vision to this month?

How many NEW groups agreed to be trained by you?

How many different training groups are you / your team leading (1st generation groups)?

What is the total number of people in those training groups?

Are you using T4T, TRT, Discovery Bible Study or other method?

On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 is high), how well are you doing on the first third of each meeting: vision casting, worship, pastoral care, accountability

On a scale of 1 to 5, how well are you doing on the second third of each meeting: new material that is biblical and reproducible?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how well are you doing on the last third of each meeting: practicing the session; setting goals and praying for those goals.

What percentage of those you are training are witnessing?

What percentage of those you are training are training others?

How many 2nd+ generation training groups are going this month?

Church Planting

  1. How many churches did you start this quarter directly?

  2. How many second generation churches were started this quarter?

  3. How many third generation churches were started this quarter?

  4. How many fourth generation churches were started this quarter?

Key Sectors in your Critical Path

How many segments/strata do you have believers and churches in?


What are your biggest challenges or hurdles to jump over this coming month?

Extra Questions

  1. What is God teaching you/showing you at the moment?

  2. What is working well?

  3. What is not working well?

  4. How were last month’s goals?

  5. What are some of the goals/priorities in the coming month?


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