No promises!


I’m back from a glorious week at Point Lonsdale writing from dawn to dusk with Saffie the Wonderdog by my side for my twice daily walks on the beach.

Michelle came down for the weekend and we lit the open fire. Just the three of us. Is this what heaven is like?

I’m off at the end of next week for a trip to the US (Exponential and the Anglican Mission in the Americas), London (a workshop on movements), Sweden (ditto), then home via a five retreat in Chiang Mai, Thailand with our workers in Asia and Australia.

Did I mention the three week holiday with Michelle driving around England and Scotland in celebration of our 30th wedding anniversary? Not to forget the return to Amsterdam where we first met on the Ark back in the late 70s.

Not sure how I’ll go with the blog between now and mid June when I’m back. I’ve had a few ideas. But as I used to say to my kids, “No promises!”


Floyd McClung on the joy of not leading


The Discipleship Re-Revolution