Update on the Camel

This just came in from a friend somewhere in Asia.

Hi Steve

We leave for a trip tonight. Looking forward to it. Will visit many mosques and share the gospel with whomever we can.

I looked at your blog this morning and saw you have something on the Camel.

You might be interested to know that most people who use camel find that ti works best with those who know something of the Koran or at least read the Koran, that is why it works well in mosques.

Typically though most muslims don't know anything of the Koran so sometimes the Camel is not always the most suitable method.

I have found in our region, if you ask someone something about the Koran or bring up what is said in the Koran to the average muslim they will tell you to talk to the imam as they don't know anything about the Koran.

In these types of situations another approach will work better — something like storying is good as everybody can relate to stories.

There are 6 or 7 redemptive stories that can be told using OT figures whom muslims consider are prophets that finish with Jesus. These typically are very well received.

I've asked my friend to send through details on the redemptive stories when he gets back.


A whale of a time


The Camel