Keeping score: 3. Sharing the gospel

Keeping track of the right things can change your life. If you want to lose weight, don't weigh yourself. That doesn't change anything. Try keeping track of how many times each week you do 30 minutes of vigorous exercise or more. That's something you can control.

What should we be keeping track of if we want to see a church planting movement?

Here's the list so far:

Next . . .

3. Sharing the gospel

Acts is the story of the Risen Lord pursuing his mission through his people. It is the story of the progress of the dynamic Word of God as it spreads, grows and multiplies. Wherever the Word goes, new disciples are made and new communities are formed.

So, here's something to track.

  • Through your ministry how many people will hear the gospel—today, this week, this month, this year?
  • How many people know how to share their story, and share Jesus' story—clearly and simply.
  • When someone comes to faith, how long before you've trained to share their story and share Jesus' story with their friends and family?

Before you make excuses about "mere words," read Luke and Acts and ask, What did Jesus do? What did Jesus train his disciples to do? What did the Risen Lord continue to do through his people empowered by the Holy Spirit?

It's not about us. It's about Jesus. People need to hear the gospel.

Want to learn more?

Next we'll talk about training disciples.


Keeping score: 4. Training disciples


031-Generational growth - Tim Scheuer