Lazy Sunday afternoon: Part one


John and Angela were beaming when we arrived at their home onSunday afternoon. Shoes off at the door and we went inside to meet the others in their household.

We squeezed around the kitchen table, which is also the living room. The actual living room has been converted into a bedroom.

Eight of us drinking chinese tea.

We know John and Angela through English club. The others we'd never met before. They were all from Shanghai. Students, a chef and two nurses. All in their twenties. All interested to learn more about Jesus.

It hasn't been easy to start Bible studies in homes. Many of our English club friends live in shared households where every room is a bedroom. The kitchen is the only communal space.

This is a breakthrough. John and Angela have agreed to do a Bible study in their shared home, and they have invited everyone to participate.

John and Angela are persons of peace. They welcome the message and the messengers and into an unreached community. Instantly, their friends became our friends.


Lazy Sunday afternoon: Part two


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