Lazy Sunday afternoon: Final thoughts

Some final thoughts on what i'm learning from our Lazy Sunday afternoons.

1. Connect broadly

No matter what context we're in, we all have to find effective ways to connect with people. Connecting is universal. How we connect depends on the situation.

We connect through English club and by meeting people when we're out and about in the community.

How do you connect?

2. Find people of peace

There is a limit to the people in your relational world. If you want to reach out beyond your world you must look for people of peace (Luke 10) as you connect with people. They know people you don't know. They are trusted in places where you will always be an outsider. They can open doors you can't even knock on.

Michelle has been paying for John and Angela for over a year. She kept telling me, "There's something about that couple." At the right time they opened the door and we walked in and their friends became our friends.

It doesn't matter where you are, you need to find people of peace who welcome you and the gospel into their community.

3. Share the gospel

Angela and John knew what we were on about from the first time they met us. So did their friends. Look at what Jesus did and what he taught his disciples to do. Mark 6:34 tells us Jesus saw the crowds, he was moved with compassion so began to teach them.

We told the story of the woman weeping at Jesus' feet and let the story speak. Don't ever think that sharing the life that Jesus gives is somehow not an expression of love. Our reluctance to share is not motivated out of love, but fear.

4. Train disciples

On Sunday afternoons we're discipling people to conversion. As they are learning about Jesus, they are learning to trust and obey him. We pray for needs. We encourage people to obey what they are learning.

Everything we do around that kitchen table can be imitated by the group. We pray simple prayers. We share simply. We help the group study the scriptures for themselves. We're training disciples who are learning to follow Jesus.

We will have succeeded when they no longer need us and able to pass on what they are learning to others.

5. Build community from the start

Wherever the gospel goes, communities are formed. We're building community as we go. When we arrive we ask people how their week went. We remember the prayer needs. Soon they'll be sharing and praying with one another.

This is not just a bible study. We're building a community of Jesus' followers from the start.

I'll let you know how it goes.


A dangerous book


Lazy Sunday afternoon: Part three