9 lessons on church planting movements


Tim Scheuer (above) has been over in North Carolina learning what he can from Jeff Sundell and the people Jeff has trained to make disciples and multiply communities. He's the first nine lessons Tim learned.

  1. “Rapid growth” can be a misleading term in the CPM definition. CPM’s are only rapid once they begin to emerge but normally would take 2–10 years to see a CPM emerge.
  2. Success is measured by “generational growth” and not by baptisms or groups started. Jeff uses poster boards with different colour and shaped post-it notes to track generational growth. Very visual for those being trained.
  3. I was able to “see” what generational growth looks like. Prior it had only been a concept, which I do not believe I had a good grasp of. I saw that it is very slow in the beginning but that when it begins to take off it does lead to rapid growth and expansion.
  4. This insight helped me appreciate how important it is to be able to pass on the simple skills and lessons necessary for the gospel to pass from one generation to the next. It’s not about covering material with someone I am training; it is about equipping them with the competence and the confidence to pass on to others. Without this happening at each successive generation there can be no movement.
  5. This changed the way I looked at everything I am doing in the way I run groups and train others.
  6. Teaching the bible lesson involves these steps; tell the story, get the group to retell the story in pairs to each other, pray for the Holy Spirit to teach, read the story from the bible, and then use the questions in the “Sword” method.
  7. Jeff creates an expectation of immediacy of obedience in his training groups through loving accountability.
  8. He makes sure that everyone in the group is competent to share their story and Jesus’ story. He also ensures they are competent and confident in teaching the lesson of the week.
  9. In one group I attended two weeks in a row a young Nepali couple were teaching the lessons they were learning with a group of 25 Nepali refugees the following night and three other Nepali groups via Skype in other parts of the USA and Canada. Jeff spends time reviewing previous lessons to reinforce learning.

Next: 9 more lessons on church planting movements.


9 more lessons on church planting movements


When God messes with your missional community