The high cost of peace at any price

Yet another story of a group of clergy who have taken it upon themselves to reinvent marriage to fit our broken image.

I'm not sure of my denomination's position on homosexual marriage, if it has one. One of the campaigners is a regular contributor to the denominational newspaper—the Baptist Witness. The paper is happy to link to his website which promotes gay marriage.

We also have a theological college lecturer who teaches that God did not make man male or female, but male and female. Therefore humanity is a continuum between masculinity and femininity. Humanity can be ‘homosexual’, ‘intersexual’ and the ‘transsexual’ and that's ok. An amazing discovery after thousands of years of misinterpretation.

This has got to be one of the worst examples of exegesis I've ever seen. Still, what would I know? I'm not a theologian charged with training the next generation of church leaders and thinkers.

What should a denomination do? The issues must be brought out into the open, discussed, debated and resolved under the authority of scripture.

Peace at any price is far too expensive.


Another Sunday afternoon


Clerics lobby politicians on 'gay marriage equality'