Really Good Friday


I'm looking for a good hot cross buns recipe. We have about twenty people coming over on Good Friday. For most it will be their first Easter celebration.

Japanese, Koreans, Iranians, mainland Chinese, Thai, and Hong Kong Chinese. All of them have heard the gospel. Some have become disciples. Many are close.

After some homemade hot cross buns we'll do a simple discovery bible study.

The story of Easter is longer than we usually do, so we won't read it. I'll tell it as a series of episodes — the last supper, the arrest and trial, the crucifixion and resurrection.

In small groups we'll retell the stories in our own words and then talk about them.

  • What did you like?
  • What do these stories teach us about Jesus and about God?
  • What do they teach us about the different people — the disciples, the crowds, the soldiers, the religious leaders, Pilate and Herod.
  • Who do you identify with in this story and why?
  • Is there an example we should follow or a command we should obey?
  • What do you need to do in response?
  • Who could you tell the story of Easter to this week?
  • How can we pray for you?

Then it's lunch. Everyone is bringing something to share.

I can't wait.


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