Schnabel on Acts

Eckhard Schnabel's commentary on Acts will be released today.

No news on a Kindle version. Here's hoping.

The commentary highlights:

  1. The work of God through the exalted Jesus who grants the presence of the Holy Spirit.
  2. The significance of Jesus who is Israel's Messiah and the Savior of the world and who directs the expansion of the church.
  3. The work of the Holy Spirit as transforming power present in the lives of the followers of Jesus and their communities.
  4. The identity of the church as the community of God, comprised of Jews and Gentiles who are followers of Jesus.
  5. The mission of the church whose leaders take the gospel to cities and regions of the Roman Empire in which Jesus has not yet been proclaimed as Messiah and Savior.
  6. The historical events and the persons who played a role in the expansion of earliest Christianity.

"Acts (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)" (Eckhard J. Schnabel, Clinton E. Arnold)

UPDATE: Zondervan's response.


Thank you for contacting Zondervan Customer Care. If there isn't a Kindle version of a particular book when it releases we typically don't come out with one later.

Zondervan Customer Care

I'll be paying the extra cost for shipping the print edition to Australia. I'm surprised Zondervan don't see the need for a Kindle edition.


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