FIshing in Liberia


I wandered down the beach this morning to watch the local fishermen come in with their catch.

I've been training this week on how to find "persons of peace" (Luke 10). After a few smiles and good mornings I got talk to Stephen, a local who has left fishing to get an education. Now he's at college four days a week and fishes three mornings to pay for his tuition. We talked for a while on how Jesus called fishermen to follow him and catch others.

I invited him to visit later today and promised to teach him how to go fishing for disciples.

If he's serious he'll turn up.

Ying Kai says there are two types of people in the world. Those who need to learn how to follow Jesus and disciples who need to learn how to make disciples. That means everyone we meet is a candidate for hearing the gospel and learning how to make disciples. Our job is to make the offer and work with those who are ready.

I'm praying that Stephen wants to learn.


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West Africa