Fishing update


Stephen turned up today. We shared a while and prayed for each other. Then we dived into Luke 10:1-12, Jesus sending out the 72 on mission.

I read the story. He retold it. Then we discussed:

  1. What do we like in the passage?
  2. What does it teach us about God/Jesus?
  3. What does it teach us about the people in the passage?
  4. Is there a command to obey or an example to follow?
  5. What will we do to obey what we've learned?
  6. Who will we share this story with?

Stephen wants to go home and discuss it with his brother, sister and some friends.

He'll be back tomorrow and we'll look at Luke 5:1-11, the story of Jesus calling some fishermen to drop everything, follow him, and learn to catch people instead of fish.


Finding God in Liberia


What Jesus Started: Interview by David Garrison