Putting the Movements diagram to work

movements diagram

Four ways I put the Movements diagram to work:

  1. Bible study. I take the Gospels and Acts, or a portion of them, and ask: how did they see the end, connect with people, share the gospel, train disciples, gather communities, multiply workers? Great for personal Bible study or group training.
  2. Diagnostic. I use the diagram as a diagnostic of my own ministry or someone else's. Individually, or as a team, draw the diagram and fill in how you are going: seeing the end, sharing the gospel, training disciples, gathering communities, multiplying workers. Identify progress and lessons learned. Identify obstacles. Ask, where am I stuck? Ask, what do I need to do next?
  3. Training. The diagram is great for teaching. I take twenty minutes to go over it with concrete examples for each element. Then I break people into pairs and have them draw and teach the diagram to each other without notes.
  4. Vision casting. I often meet one-on-one with people to help them make the paradigm shift to a movements. As I draw the diagram on the back of a napkin, I explain each element, I tell stories, and show them what it could look like in their world. It takes about 45 minutes, or five minutes if you're rushing to catch a flight. My aim is to see if they are ready to do some basic training like Following and Fishing to get them started.

You're welcome to use the diagram as long as you identify the source.


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The Movements Diagram