3. Share the Gospel

3 Share the Gospel

I [Jesus] will rescue you [Paul] from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.


This is the third post in a series that unpacks the Movements diagram.

Movements share the good news of Jesus the Messiah and Savior. They equip new disciples to become the means by which the good news spreads throughout their communities.

The gospel is a statement of what God has done, and it is also a living dynamic Word that spreads, grows, multiplies, advances and saves. The gospel is the power of God at work to rescue us from his just condemnation through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

No method can replace the gospel. Disciple-making movements proclaim the gospel through words, actions, and in power. Without the gospel there will be no disciples made, no churches planted and no transformation in society.

In multiplying movements new believers are trained to immediately share the gospel with their family, friends and neighbours. They learn to share their story, they learn to share a gospel outline, they learn to open the Scriptures for discovery bible study with those they know and love.

Seeing the End must move us to Connect with People. As we connect we look for those who welcome the messenger and the message and form bridges into unreached communities. Because only the gospel can save, we share it as soon as possible and invite people to discover more. As soon as possible we help the newest believers, insiders in their community, to share with their family and friends.

Next: Train Disciples


Training dates: Canberra and Launceston


David Garrison — addicted to speed