4. Train disciples

Train disciples

The fourth in a series on the Movements diagram.

Jesus led people to put their trust in him and to learn to obey his commands. He modeled and taught them a new way of life.

Discipleship is our response to the gospel. It begins with repentance, faith, baptism and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).

Jesus commissioned the first disciples to make disciples of others by baptising them and teaching them to obey what he commanded (Matt 28:18-20).

Paul called this the obedience of faith. It’s not enough to believe, disciples learn to obey Christ’s teaching and example. Movements craft simple, but profound methods of making disciples such as Discovery Bible Study.

A simple method that harnesses the endless resources of Scripture and applies them to the life of the disciple. There are three important elements, a community of disciples (two or more), the living Word of God, the presence of the Holy Spirit.

With a simple method, the Word and the Spirit, any disciple can begin making disciples—anywhere, anytime, with anybody.

Want to learn how?


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