I'm looking for someone to read the Bible with someone, would you be interested?

My wife Michelle is not only a great practitioner, she also knows the power of training others to do what she does.

This email just came in from one of the women she's training.

Hi Michelle

Congrats on your Masters!

I am so excited as the Lord told me to speak to the lady who does the school crossing in my street. I have spoken to her in the last couple of years but only in passing and just exchanging pleasantries. This week I told her I was a follower of Jesus and was looking for someone to do a bible study with and she responded so positively saying that she didn't feel the Buddhist way was for her and that her adult son did go to a church and she would like to know about Jesus! I

I was so filled with thankfulness for God's provision. We are meeting this coming Thursday.



Have you ever asked the question,

I'm looking to read the Bible with someone, would you be interested?

Who else could you train?


The spread of the word over breakfast


Who is Rene Girard?