Sharing your story with a twist

iStock_000018076345Medium.jpg I've been training in the historic and beautiful city of Ballarat for the last few weeks at one2one.

One of the group (we'll call her Jess) sat down with a young woman (we'll call her Suzie) who wanted to know more about following Jesus. So Jess shared her story with the use of a symbol timeline of her spiritual journey.

Then she asked her Suzie to do the same. Three things happened: (1) the relationship immediately went to a new level; (2) Suzie heard Jess' story of coming to know Christ; (3) Jess was able to discern where Suzie was with Christ.

After that had both shared Jess asked Suzie if she would like to know how to follow Jesus. She shared God's story with her and led her to Christ. Next step discipleship using the 7 Commands of Christ.

Who could your share your story with this week?

Want to learn more? Download Following and Fishing: Getting Started for an outline of God's Story and the 7 Commands of Christ.


Presbyterians flee from the wrath of God


9 Questions