A team of ten, 400 breakfasts, 392 doors, 36 open homes. UPDATED

Burrito Outreach Team copy Ray reports in…

Today we had a small team of 10 go and give 400 breakfast burritos out in 2 different apartment complexes. We knocked on nearly 392 doors and saw about 36 homes who could be open for home bible studies. The goal of this time was to spread wide our love and prayer to seek and find those that are spiritually open. Please pray for our faithful follow up over the next few weeks to these 36 homes.

What's so exceptional about what Ray and the team are doing? Find someone like Ray to train you and your friends, then out you go. Don't call anything "missional" that isn't in the community making disciples.

UPDATE From Ray...

We have set times to meet for Bible studies with three families in the same complex. On Monday we will meet with a woman named Julie who seems fairly far from the Lord, but is very open to Scripture as she discussed a Bible story with us on her door steps. Later we will join a family who seems to be near to God, but will show them how to share their faith and bring God's Word to their friends. In the same complex, the other team identified ten people who said they are open to meet. One person named Ken who is a retired man said he wanted to help get something started in the complex. Pray for our efforts and labor. Still have so many people to follow up with.

Most of us feel we've done our job when the breakfasts are done. For Ray and the team that's just the beginning.


Letting the Word do the work


Christianity in its Global Context: 1970-2020