Tired but happy

Sprout and Grow

Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.


I prepared the lesson for English Club last night, but I wasn't able to attend.

My batteries are low — I'm out nights training around Melbourne. I'm often away weekends training around Australia.

Meanwhile while I take a break, God is at work. One of our team members is meeting with a local shopkeeper from Iran to do Discovery Bible Study. Another team member is meeting in the home of a factory worker who is close to giving his life to Christ. Michelle is out with a student sharing the gospel.

All over Australia, when we train, and God's people step out of the boat and share, there are people coming to Christ and moving into discipleship.

It's hard work, but it is happening.

Tonight Michelle and I will train 80-100 people at our home church, Crossway. On Saturday I'll train 20 people at Stairway church. On Sunday afternoon we'll train 40-50 people at St Judes in Carlton

We look for who implements and we help them become practitioners who train others.

We are a long way from disciple-making movement — four generations of new disciples, groups and churches across six streams of church planting. But the gospel is getting out. Disciples are being made. Groups and churches are forming. And it doesn't all depend on me.


The coming collapse of the PC (USA)


Ray has been at it again