Assemblies of God reaching multi-ethnic America

Assemblies of God

The Assemblies of God (AG) has released its statistics for 2012.

The Episcopalians and Presbyterians (PCUSA) may be in free fall, but the Assemblies of God continue to show steady growth in attendances, baptisms (of the Spirit and water variety), and new churches.

The Pentecostal denomination has aggressively planted new churches in urban areas and immigrant communities. The denomination’s two Spanish language regions have posted the most significant growth.

The racial breakdown of AG adherents in 2012 shows significant diversity. Today the AG closely mirrors the ethnic makeup of the US population as a whole.

Confidence in the gospel, evangelism, and church planting have resulted in a movement that reflects America's racial diversity. This contrasts dramatically with the theologically progressive yet declining mainline churches.

In recent decades, most mainline Protestant denominations in the US have witnessed significant numerical declines. From 1960 to 2011, the United Church of Christ lost 48% of adherents; The Episcopal Church lost 43%; the Presbyterian Church (USA) lost 35%; the United Methodist Church lost 29%; and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America lost 19%. 

During the same period (1960-2011), the Assemblies of God grew by 498%. By 2012 the AG grew to 3,095,717 members.


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