

Recently I interviewed Gary Stump on how he had transitioned a traditional church plant into a disciple making movement.

Here's an update on how things are going.


We currently have in excess of 120 groups containing more than 600 people.
We have groups to 5 generations. Some of these groups (a few) are forming
into churches--which has been the greatest challenge. But we do have one
3rd generation church! More people are hearing the gospel in our community
each day and we're seeing many coming to Christ.

Thanks for asking and for all you do in serving our Lord! You're a special
blessing to me.

By the way, Ying and Grace are coming to Onward this weekend. We have a lot
of training scheduled, but also have two meetings scheduled with over 150
key Christian leaders and business people to hear Ying cast vision for
reaching our community. Please be praying that some of these dynamic
Christian business leaders will get a vision for using T4T to reach our city
and state!!

Onward in Christ's love,

Make sure you listen to the interview. God is doing something very significant for all of us who want to see disciple making movements in Western world.


053-Multiplying disciples among Buddhists (2)


Who's killing Christians and why?