How does Jeff get paid for having so much fun!

Jeff Sundell diner

Some great stories from Jeff Sundell's latest newsletter. I think the "Camo" guys in Greenville might be referring to a bunch of rednecks just like Jeff. There are Muslims in Dallas, Nepalis in Charolette, Kurds and Saudis in Nashville. Amazing. As well as a few "normal" lost people.
Evangelism, discipleship and church formation. 

Greenville: men are coming to Christ via T4T in 9 new Camo groups. Men who love the outdoors are conducting evangelistic/discipleship studies at hunting lodges, boat docks, and bait and tackle shops. One man who came to Christ believed this needed to occur in families, as well, and began to disciple his family.


Dallas: a man from the Middle East was asked “If God could do a miracle in your life, what is it and can I pray for you?” When he heard the prayer would be in Jesus? name, he realized the importance of the conversation because he had been reading the Koran for many years and was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah. He wanted to know how he could follow Jesus. Since giving his life to Christ and being baptized, he has started a church that now has 6 new Muslim-background believers who have come to faith in Christ.

Cleveland: two evangelistic Bible studies using 7 Stories of Hope were started in two different tattoo shops, and a 1% biker hears the Gospel. 


Charlotte: a group of Nepalese go out Gospeling on Saturdays and are leading people to Christ.


Boston: we recently held a T4T training with I am Second groups. Each morning, basics of the faith, were taught, like sharing your story and Jesus? story and how to lead a basic discipleship Bible study. During the week, the Gospel was presented 205 times; there were 67 professions of faith in Jesus Christ, and the local churches started 20 I am Second Bible studies. One lady in Charlestown was out exercising and was asked the “miracle question.” She shared that she had a difficult relationship with family. The team prayed for her, then shared the Gospel. When asked if she would like to respond, she said yes and explained how she had felt that a higher power had been leading her to that moment. After the team explained the Gospel to her, she gave her life to Christ. They began discipling her within 24 hours of her profession of faith, and one of the local Bostonian couples is now following up with her at her house discipling her.


Cleveland: A young man was asked the “miracle question,” and he explained that he was in a difficult financial crisis and felt very far from God. We shared the second story of Hope, the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector at the temple. We asked him with whom he identified in the story and why, and he shared the tax collector because he felt sin separated him from God. I shared the Gospel with him, and he asked for someone to come to his house to start a Bible study; he wanted to know how to follow Jesus.


Nashville: Evangelistic Bible studies have been started with some great friends from the Middle East!  Pray the power of the Gospel brings them into the Kingdom.  

You may be wondering how Jeff could be paid for having so much fun. Like many missionaries he raises his own support. If you'd like to get behind Jeff and his vision for reaching 50 US cities here's where you go.


Gospeling at the playground


How America became a nation of heretics